E-mail: ekaterina.paerschke@gmail.com
Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Am Campus 1
3400 Klosterneuburg
Curriculum Vitae in pdf
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ArXiv (Pärschke)
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I was born in Moscow, Russia, and obtained my M.Sc. degree from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. In 2013, I moved to the beautiful city of Dresden in Germany for my doctoral studies at the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research. There, I worked on correlated materials, in particular, iridates, which are Mott insulators well-known for being similar to the high-temperature superconducting cuprates, and yet not showing any superconductivity. I was interested in the interplay of strong correlations, spin-orbit coupling, and electron-phonon interactions in these 5d materials, leading to exotic phases and their peculiar behavior. From my supervisor Prof. van den Brink, I learned a lot about resonant inelastic X-ray scattering and became fascinated with theoretical modeling of various spectroscopic technics. In 2017, I moved to Alabama, USA to experience some subtropical climate and dive deep into computational methods, like exact diagonalization, as a postdoc at the University of Alabama at Birmingham with Prof. Cheng-Chien Chen. My research interests span from magnetism, orbital physics, and polarons to quantum materials under pressure, strain, or an out-of-equilibrium quench. I like hiking and am always up for a discussion over a cup of tea.